Mar 19, 2010

50k in 50 Days! - Day Eight

It's day eight of the 50,000/50 Writing Challenge and today I realized that I started this over a week ago. Wow! I'm still running behind (5,353 words) but I'm also feeling very accomplished. I wrote alot more this week then I have in a long time and I still think I spent less hours sitting in front of a computer screen. I wish I could say the total was closer to 8,000 so once again--I'm going to work at playing catch up.
Word Count: 5,353/50,000


Bookish in a Box said...

Even if you're playing catch up, 5353 words in 8 days is still amazing! :-)

Anonymous said...

Ditto what InABox said. That's a nice chunk of writing accomplished.

Unknown said...

Good Luck!!! I must say over 5K is still quite the accomplishment, playing catch up or not!!!