Jul 5, 2011


Cara Lynn Shultz is the debut author of the novel SPELLBOUND.  Which just was recently released on June 21, 2011!  And Cara was so kind of do an author interview for me.  :)  I always ask the same 5 questions--all the ones I'm most curious about as a wannabe writer--hope you enjoy this...

Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?
Honestly, I would say just sit down and write. I always played with the idea of writing a book, but it wasn't until I forced myself to sit down in the fall of 2008 and start actually writing did I get into a groove. None of those early edits are actually in Spellbound, but they got me into a rhythm and helped me find my voice.

What’s your favorite/least favorite part about writing?
My favorite part about writing is creating all these characters in my head and seeing them come to life on the page. It's also rewarding after hours of writing to look back at the pages and pages you've written and feel like you've accomplished something. The worst is probably finding the time to do it. I have a full-time job so it can be something a juggling act.

Now that you’re published, how has your life changed (or your writing changed)?
Not quite yet published (June 28 :)), but I definitely have less free time. I don't mind though—this has been my dream ever since I was a little kid.

What books inspired you most as a writer?
I remember reading the Little House on the Prairie books as a child and was absolutely obsessed with them. Those books are the first ones to plant the idea in my head that I could be a writer as well.

Can you describe the basics to your writing process?
Music is essential. I have a playlist of songs that either I listened to in high school, or that remind me of high school, to put me back into that "YA" mentality. I also like to find songs that I think my characters would listen to—when you're in high school, a lot of who you are is defined by the music you like. So, I listen to these songs and reread my last 50 or so pages and edit them, and then resume writing.

Be sure to check out Cara Lynn Shultz's blog here.

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