Sep 10, 2011

What I like about you

What I Like About You Tag is tag created by Roxy of Keeping Up With Roxy's Books that answers some questions about other bloggers! Almost like sharing the blogger love. Everybody can do it just answer the following questions!
1. The blogger who first left a comment on your blog? Ella Press of The Clock Monkey. Not only was she the first to write on my blog, but she has since become a critique partner and read my work. :) It's amazing the people you meet through blogging.

2. Name a blogger who has the cutest button? I've got to spead the love for blogger Alex from Electrifying Reviews. We both started blogging around the same time...joining each others sites early on. It still amazing how incredible his site has become. Amazing!

3. The blogger who blogs about a lot of things other than books? Jackson Pearce. She's blogger/writing idol and her vlogs about writing give me inspiration to keep going constantly. She part of the reason I started blogging in the first place. I followed her blog a long time before I started my own.

4. The most creative blog? I don't know about "creative" but I love the arc exchange that Holly from Good Golly Miss Holly has started. If you want to get your hands on arc (advanced reader copies) of books. Holly's blog is where to go.

5. The blogger with the prettiest blog design? Stories and Sweeties.
So, TAG YOU ARE IT! I want everybody to do this tag and share the blogger love!

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