Jul 20, 2010

DAY NINE: 50k/50days

Although I'm starting to think my current WIP is just one hot mess...I brought my word count to 32,111 today (making my total for this contest 9,111). How's this week going for everyone else? On the up side, tomorrow marks the 1/5 way point. :)


Dianne K. Salerni said...

"A hot mess." That's a good term for describing my current WIP! This evening I suddenly visualized my climactic scene (eureka!), but I have no idea how I will get to that point ...

I'm not participating in 50k/50days, but I am trying very hard to finish the first draft of this project during my summer vacation. (I'm a teacher for most of the year, and summers are my golden time.)

I'm at 37,000 words on this project, so pretty close to where you are.

Nina said...

At this moment it's not going anywhere, as I had a friend over yesterday, and today I've got a bunch of table seating cards for my brothers wedding to make. Or sketch really. I have to drive up to the bride and let her chose one she likes, and then make 75 of them... oh joy!

Looking forward to writing again. At least I have my dictaphone (is that what you call them?)