Jan 16, 2011

In My Mailbox #21

This is In my mailbox a meme run by Kristi at The Story Siren. Here's what I got this week...

Entice by Carrie Jones
The 3rd book of 4 in Carrie Jones' NEED series. 
Zara and Nick are soul mates, meant to be together forever. But that's not quite how things have worked out. For starters, well, Nick is dead. Supposedly, he's been taken to a mythic place for warriors known as Valhalla, so Zara and her friends might be able to get him back. But it's taking time, and meanwhile a group of evil pixies is devastating Bedford, with more teens going missing every day. An all-out war seems imminent, and the good guys need all the warriors they can find. But how to get to Valhalla? And even if Zara and her friends discover the way, there's that other small problem: Zara's been pixie kissed. When she finds Nick, will he even want to go with her? Especially since she hasn't turned into just any pixie. . . She's Astley's queen.

--OMG!  I will be reading this very soon and I cannot wait!  If you follow my blog you know that I'm a big Carrie Jones fan and loved her first two novels in this series.  So of course I'm excited about this one.  Review coming soon

Shadowspell by Jenna Black
The sequel to the novel GLIMMERGLASS (click here for my review and if you want to get a better idea about what this story is really about..the summary below isn't very helpful IMHO).
On top of spending most of her time in a bunkerlike safe house and having her dates hijacked by a formidable Fae bodyguard, Faeriewalker Dana Hathaway is in for some more bad news: the Erlking and his pack of murderous minions known as the Wild Hunt have descended upon Avalon. With his homicidal appetite and immortal powers, the Erlking has long been the nightmare of the Fae realm. A fragile treaty with the Faerie Queen, sealed with a mysterious spell, is the one thing that keeps him from hunting unchecked in Avalon, the only place on Earth where humans and Fae live together. Which means Dana’s in trouble, since it’s common knowledge that the Faerie Queen wants her – and her rare Faeriewalker powers – dead. The smoldering, sexy Erlking’s got his sights set on Dana, but does he only seek to kill her, or does he have something much darker in mind?

--NOW I wasn't crazy about GLIMMERGLASS.  I gave it a 3/5 rating before, but it's actually a story I really want to continue reading.  Something about it has stuck with me and I'm way too curious not to read this next novel.  I think it was the huge cliffhanger ending to GLIMMERGLASS that has me still wondering.  And the cover was just way to pretty to pass up.  Anyone read SHADOWSPELL yet?


Brandi said...

I love covers and those are great covers. Happy reading.

Nyxen Nadine said...

You got some amazing books this week.

I haven't read the frst books of these series(es?) but I'm sure going to put them on my TBR.

Happy Reading.


-k said...

I've hread good things about the Carrie Jones books.
Happy reading!