May 30, 2013

Mini Review: CLASH by Nichole Williams

Title: CLASH (CRASH #2)
Author: Nichole Williams
Publication Date: 11/20/2012
My Rating: 4/5--I enjoyed it.
Plot in One Word:  New Adult Fiction
Good want something dramatic with a little side of crazy.
Their Romeo-and-Juliet-level passion is the only thing Jude and Lucy agree on. That, and fighting all the time . . . Also not helping? Lucy's raging jealousy of the cheerleader who's wormed her way into Jude's life. While trying to hang on to her quintessential bad boy and also training to be the top ballet dancer in her class, Lucy knows something's going to give . . . soon. How can she live without the boy she loves? How can she live with herself if she gives up on her dreams? If Lucy doesn't make the right choice, she could lose everything.

My Thoughts... 

If you enjoyed CRASH, then you'll enjoy CLASH too.  This novel picks up right where CLASH left off.  With Jude and Lucy on their ways to separate colleges.  Lucy is the ballerina  Jude is the football player.  There's plenty of lust, love, heartaches, and heart-stopping moments.  It's a bit of a roller-coaster ride.  But the ride is so worth it.  And I do love Nichole Williams's witty dialogue and inner monologue.

Bottom line: I recommend it!  

Book #3: CRUSH is also out...I need to get my hands on that one next!

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